Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel  
Khan, Kamala
  Gear   Outfits   Emotes   Takedowns   Nameplates   Challenge Card  
Ms. Marvel Bio.jpg
A whip smart Pakistani American young woman with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is fueled by a profound desire for positive change and is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds. Kamala has been an Avengers fan girl since she was a child – besides thinking they are just cool, she admires them (and especially Captain Marvel) because they represent the best humanity has to offer – and on a deeper level, they inspire her to become the best version of herself. Kamala was exposed to Terrigen Mist during A-Day, which activated the dormant Inhuman genes within her, awakening her healing factor and polymorphic powers. She’s been hiding her abilities for years, but soon adventure will call her to action from her home in Jersey City and inspire her to become a hero in her own right.

High Five


Healing Spirit






Flying Fists


Spin Kick


Whirling Wallop


Double Down Kick


Leg Sweep




Level Name   Description Effects
1 Leg SweepLeg Sweep Skill Icon.png Leg Sweep
(Light Dodge Attack)
While Dodging, press Playstation Square.png to perform a far-reaching sweep that trips all nearby enemies that aren't attacking or blocking.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Low
◽Reaction: Trip
1 Flying FistsFlying Fists Skill Icon.png Flying Fists
(Aerial Light Attack)
While in midair, Playstation Square.png to perform an Aerial Light Attack. Rapidly press Playstation Square.png (x3) to combo a series of Light Attacks that can target airborne enemies.

The last hit of the combo is a Light Combo Finisher that inflicts significant damage and knocks enemies back.

◽Damage: Increases Per Hit
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Normal, Knockback
1 Spin KickSpin Kick Skill Icon.png Spin Kick
(Light Sprint Attack)
While Sprinting, press Playstation Square.png to perform a jumping kick that hits all nearby enemies and causes them to spin around.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Spin
1 Flexi-FistsFlexi-Fists Skill Icon.png Flexi-Fists
Press Playstation Square.png to perform a melee Light Attack. Rapidly press Playstation Square.png (x6) to combo a set of sweeping punches and kicks that can hit multiple enemies. Attacks do not interrupt enemy attacks but each hit deals more damage than the last.
◽Damage: Increases Per Hit
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Light, Normal, Knockback
1 Whirling WallopWhirling Wallop Skill Icon.png Whirling Wallop
(Signature Attack)
Hold Playstation Square.png to leap upwards while unleashing a flurry of uppercuts wings that launches enemies into the air.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Launch
1 Double Down KickDouble Down Kick Skill Icon.png Double Down Kick
(Aerial Signature Attack)
Hold Playstation Square.png while in mid-air to break through enemy guard with to downward kicks that slam the target into the ground and deal additional Stun damage.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Slam

Five-Finger Fury


Hammering Strike


Spinning Heel Strike


Double-Barrel Punch


Hammer Fist


Sliding Kick


Catapult Kick


Fists of Justice


Rubberband Bash


Iron Spike







Level Name   Description Effects
1 Rubberband BashRubberband Bash Skill Icon.png Rubberband Bash
(Heavy Dodge Attack)
Press Playstation Triangle.png while Dodging to launch forward with a powerful shoulder charge that knocks enemies off balance and to the ground.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Stumble
1 Double-Barrel PunchDouble-Barrel Punch Skill Icon.png Double-Barrel Punch
(Power Attack)
Hold Playstation Triangle.png to charge up a powerful double punch that breaks through enemy defenses and deals additional Stun damage.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Trip
1 Five-Finger FuryFive-Finger Fury Skill Icon.png Five-Finger Fury
While Dodging, press Playstation Triangle.png to perform a melee Heavy Attack. Rapidly press Playstation Triangle.png (x3) to perform a three-hit combo that can interrupt basic enemy attacks. The last hit of the combo is a Heavy Combo Finisher that launches enemies into the air.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Slam, Launch
1 Sliding KickSliding Kick Skill Icon.png Sliding Kick
(Heavy Sprint Attack)
Press Playstation Triangle.png while Sprinting to drop into a slide and kick the legs out from enemies.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Trip
1 Catapult KickCatapult Kick Skill Icon.png Catapult Kick
(Power Attack Upgrade)
Press Playstation Triangle.png after performing the DOUBLE-BARREL PUNCH attack to kick forward, launching enemies away with Incredible force.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Low
◽Reaction: Flyback
1 Hammering StrikeHammering Strike Skill Icon.png Hammering Strike
(Aerial Heavy Attack)
Press Playstation Triangle.png while in mid-air to perform an Aerial Heavy Attack. Rapidly press Playstation Triangle.png (x2) while airborne to execute a two-hit combo that launches enemies into the air then smashes them back down.
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Launch, Slam
3 Iron SpikeIron Spike Skill Icon.png Iron Spike
(Aerial Power Attack)
Press Playstation Triangle.png an additional time at the end of the FISTS OF JUSTICE combo to perform a Heavy Combo Finisher that dives towards enemies with a giant fist, slamming into them with extreme force. The finisher can be performed at any point in the combo by holding Playstation Triangle.png .
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Knockback
3 Spinning Heel StrikeSpinning Heel Strike Skill Icon.png Spinning Heel Strike
(Heavy Attack Upgrade)
Rapidly press Playstation Square.png (x4)Playstation Triangle.png to chain the Light Attack combo into a powerful overhead kick Heavy Combo Finisher that inflicts additional Stun damage.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Slam
3 Hammer FistHammer Fist Skill Icon.png Hammer Fist
(Aerial Power Attack)
Hold Playstation Triangle.png while in midair to wind up a powerful punch that breaks through enemy defenses.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Slam
3 Fists of JusticeFists of Justice Skill Icon.png Fists of Justice
(Aerial Power Attack)
After performing a HAMMER FIST attack, rapidly press Playstation Triangle.png Playstation Triangle.png Playstation Triangle.png Playstation Triangle.png while airborne to combo a series of Heavy Attacks that deal increasing Stun damage with each hit.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Medium
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Stagger

Whip Fist


Crushing Grasp






Grip Strength


Aerial Spike


Panic Button







Level Name   Description Effects
1 Whip FistWhip Fist Skill Icon.png Whip Fist
(Ranged Attack)
Hold PSL2.png and press PSR2.png to lash out with an extended arm, striking enemies from a distance.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Stagger
1 HarpoonHarpoon Skill Icon.png Harpoon
(Ranged Power Attack)
Hold PSR2.png during a WHIP FIST attack to grab and hold standard-sized enemies. Use PSR.png to move the target around, then release PSR2.png to throw them. Larger targets that cannot be grabbed are shoved forcefully back on contact.

Continually drains intrinsic energy while enemies are held.

◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: Low
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Pinned
◽Energy Cost: Continuous
1 Grip StrengthGrip Strength Skill Icon.png Grip Strength
(Ranged Power Attack Upgrade)
Drains 50% less intrinsic energy while holding grabbed enemies with HARPOON.
1 Crushing GraspCrushing Grasp Skill Icon.png Crushing Grasp
(Ranged Power Attack Upgrade)
While holding onto a grabbed enemy, press Playstation Square.png to squeeze the enemy, dealing constant damage,

Drains intrinsic energy.

1 NutcrackerNutcracker Skill Icon.png Nutcracker
While holding onto a grabbed enemy, press Playstation Triangle.png to reel them in and slam them into the ground, dealing damage to any nearby combatants.
1 Aerial SpikeAerial Spike Skill Icon.png Aerial Spike
(Ranged Power Attack Upgrade)
While holding onto a grabbed enemy and in midair, press Playstation Triangle.png or Playstation Square.png to slam them into the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
1 Panic ButtonPanic Button Skill Icon.png Panic Button
(Ranged Power Attack Upgrade)
Slamming enemies creates a radial pulse of damage based on the type of enemy being slammed. Enemies with special damage types inflict matching Status damage.



Morning Star


Hip Check




Palm Strike


Shining Will


Seismic Slam






Level Name   Description Effects
1 PolymorphPolymorph Skill Icon.png Polymorph
Press or hold PSR2.png to bend and twist out of the way of basic attacks. Morph in size and strength by holding PSR2.png . While morphed, attacks inflict increased damage and impact.

Using the ability drained intrinsic energy, which slowly regenerates over time.

5 Hip CheckHip Check Skill Icon.png Hip Check
(Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)
Press PSR2.png just before an attack hits to Dodge and Parry the strike. This ability can be used even if all intrinsic energy is depleted.

Not effective against unblockable attacks.

◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Stagger
5 Morning StarMorning Star Skill Icon.png Morning Star
(Light Attack)
Press Playstation Square.png immediately after Parrying an attack to knock away nearby enemies.
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Low
◽Reaction: Flyback
5 Palm StrikePalm Strike Skill Icon.png Palm Strike
(Heavy Attack)
Press Playstation Triangle.png immediately after Parrying an attack to trigger a high stun damage attack that breaks through enemy defenses and can slam enemies into the ground.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Slam
5 Shining WillShining Will Skill Icon.png Shining Will
(Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)
Regenerate Willpower by 4% per second whenever POLYMORPH is active.
5 No SurrenderNo Surrender Skill Icon.png No Surrender
(Intrinsic Ability Upgrade)
Reduces the intrinsic cost for WHIRLWIND by 60%.

Reduces the intrinsic cost for SEISMIC SLAM up by 25%.

10 WhirlwindWhirlwind Skill Icon.png Whirlwind
(Signature Attack)
While POLYMORPH is active, hold down Playstation Square.png to spin around and hit all nearby enemies. This skill can also be used while EMBIGGENED.

Drains intrinsic energy when used.

◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Light, Knockback
10 Seismic SlamSeismic Slam Skill Icon.png Seismic Slam
(Power Attack)
While POLYMORPH is active, hold down Playstation Triangle.png to crash down to the ground creating a large shockwave that launches all nearby enemies into the air. This skill can also be used while EMBIGGENED.

Drains intrinsic energy when used.

◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Medium
◽Reaction: Launch



Healing Spirit


Healing Spirit Specialization I


Spirit Walk


Healing Spirit Specialization II


Will to Live


Team Spirit


Will to Fight


Life Spark


Defensive Spirit


Focused Heart


Boundless Inspiration


Inner Peace





Level Name   Description Effects
1 Spirit WalkSpirit Walk Skill Icon.png Spirit Walk
(Support Heroic Upgrade)
Recovers 65% additional Willpower over a period of several seconds when activating HEALING SPIRIT.
1 Team SpiritTeam Spirit Skill Icon.png Team Spirit
(Support Heroic Upgrade)
Activating HEALING SPIRIT will automatically revive downed teammates in addition to restoring their Willpower.
1 Defensive SpiritDefensive Spirit Skill Icon.png Defensive Spirit
(Support Heroic Upgrade)
HEALING SPIRIT increase his defensive strength by 20% while active.
1 Healing SpiritHealing Spirit Skill Icon.png Healing Spirit
(Support Heroic Ability)
Press PSL1.png to send a radial shockwave of energy that instantly restores Willpower and staggers nearby enemies. Teammate Willpower is also partially restored.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
10 Will to LiveWill to Live Skill Icon.png Will to Live
(Support Heroic Specialization)
Grants an additional charge of HEALING SPIRIT
10 Life SparkLife Spark Skill Icon.png Life Spark
(Support Heroic Specialization)
HEALING SPIRIT can be activated while downed, bypassing the need to be revived by a teammate.
10 Boundless InspirationBoundless Inspiration Skill Icon.png Boundless Inspiration
(Support Heroic Specialization)
Teammate Willpower is fully restored when activating HEALING SPIRIT.
15 Will to FightWill to Fight Skill Icon.png Will to Fight
(Support Heroic Specialization)
Grants an additional charge of HEALING SPIRIT.
15 Focused HeartFocused Heart Skill Icon.png Focused Heart
(Support Heroic Specialization)
Activating HEALING SPIRIT automatically grants 100% intrinsic energy for allies and yourself.
15 Inner PeaceInner Peace Skill Icon.png Inner Peace
(Support Heroic Specialization)
Increases the duration of HEALING SPIRIT's residual effect by 8 seconds.



High Five


High Five Specialization I


Hand Clap


High Five Specialization II


Up High




Helping Hand


Down Low


Patty Cake


Too Slow






Level Name   Description Effects
1 High FiveHigh Five Skill Icon.png High Five
(Assault Heroic Ability)
Press PSR1.png to smash foes with a giant palm strike and STUN nearby enemies.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: High
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: High
◽Reaction: Flyback
5 Hand ClapHand Clap Skill Icon.png Hand Clap
(Assault Heroic Upgrade)
Grants and additional charge of HIGH FIVE.
5 BackhandBackhand Skill Icon.png Backhand
(Assault Heroic Upgrade)
Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE refunds a portion of assault heroic energy.

UP HIGH: 20%

10 Up HighUp High Skill Icon.png Up High
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Increases damage against a single, focused target by 25%.
10 Down LowDown Low Skill Icon.png Down Low
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Can pin multiple enemies with a single activation.
10 Too SlowToo Slow Skill Icon.png Too Slow
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Adds a large explosion on impact.
10 Helping HandHelping Hand Skill Icon.png Helping Hand
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Regen Packs.

UP HIGH: 50%

10 Patty CakePatty Cake Skill Icon.png Patty Cake
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Heroic Orbs.

UP HIGH: 60%

10 ApplauseApplause Skill Icon.png Applause
(Assault Heroic Specialization)
Based on chosen HIGH FIVE specialization, defeating enemies with HIGH FIVE has a chance to create Intrinsic Orbs.

UP HIGH: 90%
TOO SLOW: 37.5%





Embiggen Specialization I


Living Large


Embiggen Specialization II


Big Trouble


Walking Tall


Fists of Fury


Obvious Distraction


Fists of Fate


Doctor's Orders


Fists of Glory




Level Name   Description Effects
1 EmbiggenEmbiggen Skill Icon.png Embiggen
(Ultimate Heroic Ability)
Press PSL1.png + PSR1.png to grow incredible in size with significantly increased damage and impact.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Damage: Medium
◽Impact: High
◽Stun: Low
◽Reaction: Stagger
◽Immunity: Stagger, Knockdown, Knockback, Status Effects
1 Living LargeLiving Large Skill Icon.png Living Large
(Ultimate Heroic Upgrade)
Increases the duration of EMBIGGEN by 5 seconds.
1 Walking TallWalking Tall Skill Icon.png Walking Tall
(Ultimate Heroic Upgrade)
Increases Willpower recovery rate by 30% while EMBIGGEN .
10 Big TroubleBig Trouble Skill Icon.png Big Trouble
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Extends duration of the EMBIGGEN ability by 5 seconds.
10 Obvious DistractionObvious Distraction Skill Icon.png Obvious Distraction
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Activating EMBIGGEN TAUNTS all nearby enemies, drawing aggro and focusing their attention away from any other teammates.
10 Doctor's OrdersDoctor's Orders Skill Icon.png Doctor's Orders
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Every enemy defeated while EMBIGGENED has a 25% chance to drop a Regen Pack.
10 Fists of FuryFists of Fury Skill Icon.png Fists of Fury
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Defeating enemies while EMBIGGENED extends the duration of the ability by 1 second.
10 Fists of FateFists of Fate Skill Icon.png Fists of Fate
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Critical Attack does 35% more damage while EMBIGGENED.
10 Fists of GloryFists of Glory Skill Icon.png Fists of Glory
(Ultimate Heroic Specialization)
Every enemy defeated while EMBIGGENED has a 25% chance to drop a Heroic Orb.



Leap Frog


Breakaway Swing


Polymorphic Dodge




Level Name   Description Effects
1 Polymorphic DodgePolymorphic Dodge Skill Icon.png Polymorphic Dodge
(Evasion Ability)
Press Playstation Circle.png to Dodge an incoming attack. Dodging just before an incoming attack lands will execute a Perfect Dodge. Quickly press Playstation Circle.png again while Dodging to perform a longer distance Evade.
1 Leap FrogLeap Frog Skill Icon.png Leap Frog
(Evasion Ability)
Hold Playstation Circle.png when near an enemy to Vault over the target, leaving them momentarily unable to attack. Hold PSL.png towards a desired combatant to Vault over a specific enemy.
◽Guard: Breaks Block
◽Reaction: Interrupts Attack
1 Extend-o-GrabExtend-o-Grab Skill Icon.png Extend-o-Grab
(Movement Ability)
Press Playstation X.png while in mid-air to reach out and grab Ledges and poles from afar. Connecting to a ledge will quickly zip up and hurdle the edge while pole connections will result in a rope-like swing.

Valid connection points are indicated with a HUD marker.

1 Breakaway SwingBreakaway Swing Skill Icon.png Breakaway Swing
(Movement Ability Upgrade)
Hold Playstation X.png while swinging to launch off of ledges and poles with increased force and travel longer distances.




'Melee Upgrade


Melee Upgrade


Combo Finisher Mastery


Melee Upgrade


Air Combat Mastery


Ranged Combat Mastery


Intrinsic Takedown Mastery


Traversal Attack Mastery


Stun Mastery


Heroic Takedown Mastery


Heroic Energy Mastery


Willpower Takedown Mastery


Level Name   Description Effects
15 Combo Finisher Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Combo Finisher Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Combo Finisher Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Combo Specialization)
Increases the damage of all Combo Finishers by 25%.
15 Ranged Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Ranged Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Ranged Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Ranged Specialization)
Boosts all Ranged Attack by 15%.
15 Stun Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Stun Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Stun Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Melee Specialization)
Increases all Stun damage by 15%.
15 Air Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Air Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Air Combat Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Melee Specialization)
Boosts Critical Attack damage by 15% while air juggling opponents.
15 Traversal Attack MasteryTraversal Attack Mastery Skill Icon.png Traversal Attack Mastery
(Traversal Specialization)
Boosts Critical Attack damage of Traversal attacks by 15%.
15 Heroic Energy MasteryHeroic Energy Mastery Skill Icon.png Heroic Energy Mastery
(Melee Specialization)
Increases the amount of Heroic energy gained by 1% from dealing damage with Light and Heavy Attacks.
15 Intrinsic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Intrinsic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Intrinsic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Takedown Specialization)
Performing a Takedown spawns an Intrinsic Orb.
15 Heroic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Heroic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Heroic Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Takedown Specialization)
Performing a Takedown spawns an Heroic Orb.
15 Willpower Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)Willpower Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel) Skill Icon.png Willpower Takedown Mastery (Ms. Marvel)
(Takedown Specialization)
Performing a Takedown spawns an Regen Pack.




'Ranged Upgrade


Ranged Power Punch


Ranged Upgrade


Regen Pack Grab Mastery


Ranged Concussive Mastery


Grab Efficiency


Heroic Grab Mastery


Ranged Pierce


Grab Protection


Intrinsic Grab Mastery


Grab Accuracy


Ranged Upgrade


Level Name   Description Effects
15 Grab EfficiencyGrab Efficiency Skill Icon.png Grab Efficiency
(Ranged Specialization)
Reduces the cost of holding onto an enemy by 40%.
15 Grab ProtectionGrab Protection Skill Icon.png Grab Protection
(Ranged Specialization)
Prevents being interrupted from enemy attacks while holding onto an enemy.
15 Grab AccuracyGrab Accuracy Skill Icon.png Grab Accuracy
(Ranged Specialization)
Reduces chance enemies evade Grab by 15%.
15 Ranged Power PunchRanged Power Punch Skill Icon.png Ranged Power Punch
(Ranged Specialization)
Increases the power and weight of WHIP FIST, causing a stronger eemy reaction.
15 Ranged Concussive MasteryRanged Concussive Mastery Skill Icon.png Ranged Concussive Mastery
(Ranged Specialization)
WHIP FIST creates a concussive blast on impact location.
15 Ranged PierceRanged Pierce Skill Icon.png Ranged Pierce
(Ranged Specialization)
WHIP FIST pierces through enemies, hitting everything in its path.
15 Regen Pack Grab MasteryRegen Pack Grab Mastery Skill Icon.png Regen Pack Grab Mastery
(Ranged Specialization)
15% chance to generate a Regen Pack after slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy.
15 Heroic Grab MasteryHeroic Grab Mastery Skill Icon.png Heroic Grab Mastery
(Ranged Specialization)
25% chance to generate a Heroic Orb after slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy.
15 Intrinsic Grab MasteryIntrinsic Grab Mastery Skill Icon.png Intrinsic Grab Mastery
(Ranged Specialization)
40% chance to generate an Intrinsic Orb after slamming or throwing a grabbed enemy.




'Intrinsic Upgrade


Polymorph Efficiency


Intrinsic Upgrade


Polymorph Boost


Polymorphic Regeneration


Polymorphic Reduction


Polymorph Intensity


Heroic Polymorph


Polymorph Damage


Polymorph Precision


Polymorphic Defense


Intrinsic Upgrade


Level Name   Description Effects
15 Polymorph EfficiencyPolymorph Efficiency Skill Icon.png Polymorph Efficiency
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Reduces the intrinsic energy activation cost by 40% when triggering the POLYMORPH ability. Does not apply to sustained energy drain.
15 Polymorphic RegenerationPolymorphic Regeneration Skill Icon.png Polymorphic Regeneration
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases Willpower regeneration from SHINING WILL by 25%.
15 Heroic PolymorphHeroic Polymorph Skill Icon.png Heroic Polymorph
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increase Heroic energy regeneration by 15% while using POLYMORPH.
15 Polymorphic ReductionPolymorphic Reduction Skill Icon.png Polymorphic Reduction
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Reduces the sustained intrinsic energy cost by 25% while using POLYMORPH ability. Does not apply to the activation cost.
15 Polymorph DamagePolymorph Damage Skill Icon.png Polymorph Damage
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases the damage of all melee attacks by 12.5% while using POLYMORPH.
15 Polymorphic DefensePolymorphic Defense Skill Icon.png Polymorphic Defense
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Reduces the damage received by 15% while using POLYMORPH.
15 Polymorph BoostPolymorph Boost Skill Icon.png Polymorph Boost
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases maximum amount of POLYMORPH intrinsic meter by 20%.
15 Polymorph IntensityPolymorph Intensity Skill Icon.png Polymorph Intensity
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases the amount of Stun damage while POLYMORPH is active by 30%.
15 Polymorph PrecisionPolymorph Precision Skill Icon.png Polymorph Precision
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increased chance to land a Critical Hit while POLYMORPH is active by 15%.




'Intrinsic Upgrade


Intrinsic Upgrade


Evasive Energy


Intrinsic Upgrade


Super Hero Endurance


Recovering Rebound


Sixth Sense


Polymorphic Might


Adrenaline Surge


Rapid Regeneration


Cunning Resolve


Nimble Reflexes


Level Name   Description Effects
15 Super Hero EnduranceSuper Hero Endurance Skill Icon.png Super Hero Endurance
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Reduces the intrinsic energy cost for POLYMORPH attacks by 25%.

Applies to the following abilities:

15 Polymorphic MightPolymorphic Might Skill Icon.png Polymorphic Might
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases the Stun damage dealt by POLYMORPH attacks by 25%.

Applies to the following abilities: ◽MORNING STAR

15 Cunning ResolveCunning Resolve Skill Icon.png Cunning Resolve
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Increases the Critical Attack Chance for POLYMORPH attacks by 15%.

Applies to the following abilities:

15 Evasive EnergyEvasive Energy Skill Icon.png Evasive Energy
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Perfect Evade refunds 30 points of intrinsic energy.
15 Recovering ReboundRecovering Rebound Skill Icon.png Recovering Rebound
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Parrying an attack with HIP CHECK restores 20 points of intrinsic energy.
15 Adrenaline SurgeAdrenaline Surge Skill Icon.png Adrenaline Surge
(Intrinsic Specialization)
Intrinsic energy recharges faster the lower the current amount of Willpower, up to a maximum of 30% bonus.
15 Sixth SenseSixth Sense Skill Icon.png Sixth Sense
(Defensive Specialization)
Increases the size of the Parry window of the HIP CHECK ability by 20%.
15 Rapid RegenerationRapid Regeneration Skill Icon.png Rapid Regeneration
(Defensive Specialization)
SHINING WILL increases the recovery rate of Willpower the lower the amount becomes up to 15%.
15 Nimble ReflexesNimble Reflexes Skill Icon.png Nimble Reflexes
(Defensive Specialization)
Temporarily inhibits draining of intrinsic energy for 1.5 seconds after successfully Countering or Parrying attacks.